Friday, March 18, 2011

Why yes I am a color enthusiast

Earlier I mentioned going to a 3-day intensive color theory workshop with Bill Perkins and it was AWESOME. Bill talked about color and value and edges and all sorts of other nerdy goodness.  The workshop was based on situations with live models, NOT color chips (oh man those things are boring). We painted for 8 hours each day and by the end of the 3 days, we had over 20 paintings to show for it -- needless to say my feet were super sore by the end of Saturday (being the practical person I am, I most definitely wore cute flats each day isn't of shoes that had more, um, foot support; can you blame me?). 

So here is a smattering of what I did. Each image was meant as "color sketch" instead of a "painting," so there wasn't much stress placed on the drawing. As I painted I tried to match blocks of color/value, as well as paying attention to my edges. 

Just a note, those scratch marks on the paintings aren't intentional. I thought they were dry and stacked them....and well, they weren't completely dry. Sad day, but still happy color sketches.


Dave McClellan said...

Ahh cool, you posted yours too. Nice job. Those two of the redhead kid sure have fun colors. And if this stuff is nerdy then I don't want to be cool.

Unknown said...

Way to go Leslie. I echo your comments- this workshop rocked! Even after almost 20 years in the business, I was surprised and pleased at how much I learned.I have posted a bit about this and will be putting some more stuff up in the coming days/weeks. Good times!

Leslie Duke said...

Thanks guys. I was really wishing that we could have had two more days of the workshop. It was really fun! Goes to show you that there's always much more to learn right?